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If you love chocolate, you may be aware of its potential health benefits. But the not-so-sweet truth is that chocolate can also have ingredients that are anything but heart-healthy. Learn more about the different types of chocolate, how to make the best selection, and what chocolate may have to offer beyond its delicious taste.

Get the Most out of Chocolate

How to Give Yourself More Love

Self-love means showing the same consideration for your own well-being as you do for others. How do you show yourself kindness and appreciation? There are many ways to begin practicing more acts of self-love to honor yourself and your health. Get started with six of our favorites!

6 Ways to Show Self-Love

How Healthy Is Your Heart?

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S. While we’re always here for you in the event of any cardiac emergency, prevention is key. This Heart Month, honor your hardest working muscle by having your blood pressure and cholesterol checked at your next annual wellness checkup, and understand your personal risk for heart disease by taking our 10-question heart health assessment.

Take Our Heart Health Assessment

The Surprising Ways Hospice Can Help

The mention of hospice can often feel scary. But when Jackie chose Munson Healthcare’s Hospice, she found the opportunity to live a fulfilling life outside of the hospital. Hospice is a comprehensive approach to supporting patients like Jackie, who found that Hospice care was exactly what she needed to retain normalcy in her life.

Watch Jackie’s Story

Heart-Healthy Dark Chocolate Oat Bars

When Valentine’s Day rolls around, the delicious chocolate treats are everywhere. Bring a sneaky health swap to the table with these dark chocolate oat bars. Loaded with heart-healthy oats, dark chocolate, and flax seeds, you and your loved ones are sure to enjoy this filling sweet treat with hidden health benefits.

Get the Recipe
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